I have about 5 days reading manuals and tutorials (well, one manual and one tutorial) of the Blender3D software. It has been boring and difficult, although obviously it would be worse for someone who does not understand 3D working and software. Well, in the same line, I am planning to learn QCAD, Planner and maybe take some 2D-Software courses (dont know which).
Those are not all my plans of course, I am working in the line of fishing my Thesis and the start of SpazioAlto Architecture... well, I need to learn a lot, study, draw, design (including a website), marketing an so on...
2 comentarios:
Hola Ernesto:
¿has usadalguna vez el Sketchup?
Si, de hecho Sketch Up es mucho más práctico. Lo que buscaba con Blender es una mayor capacidad en cuanto a animaciones... Otra ventaja es que es Open Source de modo que se descarga totalmente gratis.
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