jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

priorities of the present time

My time now is being shared in a complex way between some activities and tasks. The priority number one is supposed to be my thesis … mmm well, it’s not my thesis, and it should be my relationship with the Lord… when I say “my relationship with the Lord” I am talking about the Sunday´s mass and the daily prayer time, of course it is not only those things but also all my life, because I have to do my best to do his will in everything.

Tomorrow I will have to start dealing with the new situation on the domestic affairs, because the girl was helping us with renounced yesterday; so that we are talking about: cleaning, cooking and washing clothes… then exercise, some software learning (architecture-related) and other tasks, including those of the DGI business close.

I have been practicing English and French myself, but yesterday, after a little discussion, a friend of mine paid the first level of an English course, because He is convinced it is better than the one I took in American Nicaraguan School. That course (Corner Stone Academy) is famous for its student´s development in talking skills in a fast way; well, I will try to profit this opportunity.


1. Relationship with the Lord
2. My family
3. My Thesis
4. Domestic Affairs
5. English and French
6. Software Learning

All glory and praise to the Lamb of God.

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